Thursday, 6 November 2014

bordering birds

Since I am doing a lot of sketchbook pages in that style I had to name it, not sure about it 100%, but for now, I call them bordering things. So here is the first of a few, bordering birds.

After being to the Trojan Horse was a Unicorn Convention in Portugal I finally got back into the game, got motivated and am back on track. I really forgot over the years why I started out as an artist in the first place... I was filling up folder after folder with life drawings. I started and finished many sketchbooks that I don't care much about. I had the feeling I need to practice and improve. That did happen, but very very slowly. I wasn't in there with all my heart.

THU2014 got me back to the right mindset, reminded me of what it was like when I wasn't doing things for my portfolio or only touched a pen to improve and practice but to paint, draw and sketch cause that is what I love. For a while now I will be crawling back into my comfort zone and produce nice things out of the happiness and  joy of creation itself.

Also: Colours!! :D

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